Nancy Ritter
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Education: Ph.D. New York University
Research areas: Phonological Theory, Phonological Acquisition, English as a Second Language, Hungarian & Hebrew Linguistics
2022. Formal and Semantic Compositionality in Dance (Ballet); CLAS Research Conversation: Sequential Visual Narrative, University of CT, Storrs, CT (Sept. 21, 2022).
2019. Basic Cognitive Structures of Classical Ballet; SCHARP Workshop on the Dance of Movement, University of CT, Storrs, CT (December 2019).
2019-2023. The Dance of Movement: A Study of Meaningful Movement across Art Forms and Academic Disciplines (with H.G. van der Hulst); SCHARP award, University of CT.
2016-2019. The Foundations of Visual Communication; grant awarded by the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education.
To appear. Hungarian possessive allomorphy in the lexicon. In Jeroen van de Weijer (ed.). Representing Phonological Detail, vol. I: Segmental Structure and Representations. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin and New York.
To appear. The Study of Vowel Harmony. In Nancy A. Ritter and Harry van der Hulst (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony, Oxford University Press. (co-author H.G. van der Hulst).
2022. Government Phonology in Historical Perspective. In Elan Dresher and Harry van der Hulst (eds.). The Handbook of the History of Phonology, Oxford University Press.
2012. An analysis of the left-edge effects in Hungarian and its theoretical implications for other languages. In E. Cyran, H. Kardela, B.Szymanek (eds.), Sound, Structure and Sense: Studies in Memory of Edmund Gussmann, 509-533. Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin.
2006. Georgian Consonant Clusters: The Complexity is in the Structure, Not the Melody. The Linguistic Review 23.4: 429-464.
2006. Government phonology. In Keith Brown et al. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd ed.), vol 5: 106-113. Elsevier, Oxford.
2005. On the Status of Linguistics as a Cognitive Science. In N.A. Ritter (ed.), The Role of Linguistics in Cognitive Science: Special Issue of The Linguistic Review, vol. 22, 2-4:117-134.
2005. How a Phonological Theory of Headedness Can Account for Strong vs. Weak Phonetic Alternants. In P. Carr, J. Durand, & C. Ewen (eds.), Headhood, Elements, Specification and Contrastivity in Phonology, 277-312. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
2003. On the Logical Order of Development in Acquiring Prosodic Structure. In Stefan Ploch (ed.), Living on the Edge. 28 Papers in Honor of Jonathan Kaye. (Studies in Generative Grammar 62). Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin & New York. |