Yusuke Yagi |
2025 |
Dynamics, Assertability, and Presuppositions in Japanese and English disjunctions |
Xuetong Yuan |
2024 |
Conditions on Conditionals: Evaluativity, Discourse Sensitivity, and Conditionals without if |
Beccy Lewis |
2024 |
Cross-linguistic variation in the function of heterogeneous plural marking and its theoretical consequences |
Yuya Noguchi |
2024 |
Asymmetries, Covert Wh-Movement, and Nominality in Japanese Wh-Questions |
Kangzheng Gao |
2024 |
A constraint-based approach to syntactic parameter-setting |
Shengyun Gu |
2023 |
Bimanual coordination: The non-dominant hand in Shanghai Sign Language |
Si Kai Lee |
2023 |
At the Edge of Contact, Insights from the Left Peripheries of Singlish |
Ivana Jovović |
2023 |
Pronouns at the interface of syntax and discourse structure |
Jayeon Park |
2023 |
Not exceptional, not reducible: An experimental investigation of three purported exceptions to island effects in English |
Pavel Koval |
2023 |
The syntax of relative clause extraposition: An experimental investigation of island and c-command effects |
Pietro Cerrone |
2023 |
Italian Clictic Left Dislocation and Ā-movement: an experimental investigation |
Teruyuki Mizuno |
2023 |
Counterfactual Expressions: An Investigation into their Structures and Meanings |
Hiroaki Saito |
2023 |
Ways of Saying—Synchronically and Diachronically |
Muyi Yang |
2023 |
Varieties of Conditionals as Definite Descriptions |
Christos Christopoulos |
2022 |
Structures All the Way: Toward a deeper theory of affix order |
Shuyan Wang |
2022 |
Scalar implicatures in child language: The role of processing capacities |
Yoshiki Fujiwara |
2022 |
Movement Approach to Ellipsis in Japanese |
Hiromune Oda |
2021 |
A more fine-grained distinction of NP/DP-languages and parameters in minimalism |
Emma Nguyen |
2021 |
The predictive power of lexical semantics on the acquisition of passive voice in young children |
Yuta Tatsumi |
2021 |
Linguistic realization of measuring and counting in the nominal domain: A cross-linguistic study of syntactic and semantic variations |
Gabriel Martínez Vera |
2020 |
On the Semantics of Evidentials in Southern Aymara |
Roberto Petrosino |
2020 |
More than islands of regularity: An investigation of the sensitivity of morphological decomposition to higher-level linguistic properties |
Renato Lacerda |
2020 |
Middle-field Syntax and Information Structure in Brazilian Portuguese |
Karina Bertolino |
2020 |
An Experimental Study on the Acquisition of Impersonals in Brazilian Portuguese |
Ksenia Bogomolets |
2020 |
Lexical Accent in Languages with Complex Morphology |
Paula Fenger |
2020 |
Words within Words: The Internal Syntax of Verbs |
Abigail Thornton |
2020 |
Morphophonological & Morphosyntactic Domains |
Vanessa Petroj |
2020 |
Ignoring Language Barriers: Romanian-Serbian Code-Switching |
Adrian Stegovec |
2019 |
Person on the Edge: Lessons from Crosslinguistic Variation in Syntactic Person Restrictions |
Marcin R. Dadan |
2019 |
Head Labeling Preference and Language Change |
Ryosuke Hattori |
2019 |
Null Operators and Parameter Setting |
Koji Shimamura |
2018 |
The Theory of Quotative Complementation in Japanese Semanticosyntax |
Zheng Shen |
2018 |
Feature Arithmetic in the Nominal Domain |
YongSuk Yoo |
2018 |
Mobility in Syntax: On Contextuality in Labeling and Phases |
Troy Messick |
2017 |
The Morphosyntax of Self-ascription: A Cross-linguistic Study |
Aida Talić |
2017 |
From A to N and Back: Functional and Bare Projections in the Domain of N and A |
Yuta Sakamoto |
2017 |
Escape from Silent Syntax |
Corinna Goodwin |
2016 |
English Morphological Development in Bimodal Bilingual Children: Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Children of Deaf Adults |
Gísli Rúnar Harðarson |
2016 |
Cycling Through Grammar: On Compounds, Noun Phrases and Domains |
Alex Vaxman |
2016 |
How to Beat without Feet: Weight Scales and Parameter Dependencies in the Computation of Word Accent |
Neda Todorović |
2016 |
On the Presence/Absence of TP: Syntactic Properties and Temporal Interpretation |
Ting Xu |
2016 |
Almost Again: On the Semantics and Acquisition of Decomposition Adverbs |
Tsuyoshi Sawada |
2015 |
Pleonastic Merger |
Peters Smith |
2015 |
Feature Mismatches: Consequences for Syntax, Morphology and Semantics |
Beata Moskal |
2015 |
Domains on the Border: Between Morphology and Phonology |
Yoshiyuki Shibata |
2015 |
Exploring Syntax from the Interfaces |
Irina Monich |
2015 |
Morphosyntax and Tonology of Sotho Languages |
Shigeki Taguchi |
2015 |
Syntactic Operations on Heads and their Theoretical Implications |
Koichi Otaki |
2014 |
Ellipsis of Arguments: Its Acquisition and Theoretical Implications |
Jungmin Kang |
2014 |
On the Absence of TP and its Consequences: Evidence from Korean |
Jelena Runić |
2014 |
A New Look at Clitics, Clitic Doubling, and Argument Ellipsis: Evidence from Slavic |
Lyn Tieu |
2013 |
Logic and Grammar in Child Language: How Children Acquire the Semantics of Polarity Sensitivity |
Zhanna Glushan |
2013 |
The Role of Animacy in Russian Morphosyntax |
Sandra Wood |
2013 |
Degrees of Rootedness in Acquisition of Language: A Look at Universal Grammar in Homesigners and Late Learners of Libras |
José Riqueros Morante |
2013 |
Spanish Nominal(ization) Patterns |
Hsu-Te Cheng |
2013 |
Argument Ellipsis, Classifier Phrases, and the DP Parameter |
Julio Villa-García |
2012 |
The Spanish Complementizer System |
Elena Koulidobrova |
2012 |
Transfer of Argument Omission in the Speech of ASL-English Biliguals |
I-Ta Hsieh |
2012 |
Polarity in Conditionals and Conditional-like Constructions |
Jean Leonore Crawford |
2012 |
Developmental Perspectives on the Acquisition of the Passive |
Cynthia L. Zocca DeRoma |
2011 |
Separating Operators from their Variables |
Ana Bastos-Gee |
2011 |
Information Structure within the traditional nominal domain: the case of Brazilian Portuguese |
Masahiko Takahashi |
2011 |
Some Theoretical Consequences of Case-Marking in Japanese |
Nilufer Şener |
2011 |
Semantics and Pragmatics of Evidentials in Turkish |
Miloje Despic |
2011 |
Syntax in the Absence of Determiner Phrase |
Natalia Viktorovna Fitzgibbons |
2010 |
Licensers and Meanings: Structural Properties of Dependent Indefinites |
Oksana Vladimirovna Tarasenkova |
2010 |
Acquisition of Agreement and Morphological Features Within the Noun Phrase in Russian |
Serkan Şener |
2010 |
Non-peripheral Matters in Turkish Syntax |
Nina Radkevich |
2010 |
The Structure of Case and Adpositions |
Pei-Jung Kuo |
2009 |
IP Internal Movement and Topicalization |
Toshiko Oda |
2008 |
Degree Constructions in Japanese |
Simona Herdan |
2008 |
Degrees and Amounts in Relative Clauses |
Miguel Rodríguez-Mondoñedo |
2007 |
The Syntax of Objects: Agree and Differential Object Marking |
Natalia Rakhlin |
2007 |
Semantic Manifestations of the Developing Theroy of Mind |
Duk-Ho An |
2007 |
Syntax at the PF Interface |
Inkie Chung |
2007 |
Ecology of PF: A Study of Korean Phonology and Morphology in a Derivational Approach |
Sei-Rang Oh |
2005 |
Plurality Markers across Languages |
Bum-Sik Park |
2005 |
Identity and Locality in Ellipsis |
Bosook Kang |
2005 |
The Acquisition of Language-particular Properties Under Impoverished Input |
Elaine Grolla |
2005 |
Pronouns as Elsewhere Elements: Implications for Language Acquisition |
Masashi Nomura |
2005 |
Nominative Case and AGREE(ment) |
Lara Reglero |
2004 |
A’-dependencies in Spanish and Basque |
Sarah Felber |
2004 |
Isolating the Grammar: Removing Extra-grammatical Effects from the Theory of Grammar Through Investigation of Grammatical Viruses |
Stephanie Berk |
2004 |
Sensitive Period Effects on the Acquisition of Language: A Study of Language Development [Psychology] |
Douglas Wharram |
2003 |
On the Interpretation of (Un)certain Indefinites in Inuktitut and Related Languages |
Fumikazu Niinuma |
2003 |
The Syntax of Honorification |
Klaus Abels |
2003 |
Successive Cyclicity, Anti-locality, and Adposition Stranding |
Maria Luisa Martí Martínez |
2003 |
Contextual Variables |
Emma Ticio Quesada |
2003 |
On the Structure of DPs |
Saša Vukić |
2003 |
On Features and the MLC |
Mariana Lambova |
2003 |
On Information Structure and Clausal Architecture: Evidence from Bulgarian |
Maki Yamane |
2003 |
On Interaction of First-Language Transfer and Universal Grammar in adult Second Language Acquisition: Wh-Movement in L1-Japanese/L2-English Interlanguage |
Koji Sugisaki |
2003 |
Innate Constraints on Language Variation: Evidence from Child Language |
Penka Stateva |
2002 |
How Different are Different Degree Constructions |
David Braze |
2002 |
Grammaticality, Acceptability and Sentence Processing: A Psycholinguistic Study |
Arthur Stepanov |
2001 |
Cyclic Domains in Syntactic Theory |
Deborah Chen Pichler |
2001 |
Word Order Variability and Acquisition in American Sign Language |
Adolfo Ausin |
2001 |
On A-movement |
Cedric Boeckx |
2001 |
Mechanisms of Chain Formation |
Laurel Anne LaPorte-Grimes |
2001 |
The Syntax and Acquisition of Verbal Inflection |
Tien-Hsin Hsin |
2000 |
Aspects of Maga Rukai Phonology |
Asako Uchibori |
2000 |
The Syntax of Subjunctive Complements: Evidence from Japanese |
Marcela Depiante |
2000 |
The Syntax of Deep and Surface Anaphora: A Study of Null Complement Anaphora and Stripping/Bare Argument Ellipsis |
Kazuko Hiramatsu |
2000 |
Accessing Linguistic Competence: Evidence from Children’s and Adults’ Acceptability Judgments |
Masao Ochi |
1999 |
Constraints on Feature Checking |
Sandra Stjepanovic |
1999 |
What Do Second Position Cliticization, Scrambling and Multiple WH-Fronting have in Common? |
Kazuko Yatsushiro |
1999 |
Case Licensing and VP Structure |
Ayumi Matsuo |
1998 |
A Comparative Study of Tense and Ellipsis |
Satoshi Oku |
1998 |
A Theory of Selection and Reconstruction in the Minimalist Perspective |
Kazumi Matsuoka |
1998 |
The Acquisition of Japanese Case Particles and the Theory of Case Checking |
Jeong-Seok Kim |
1997 |
Syntactic Focus Movement and Ellipsis: A Minimalist Approac |
Laura Lim Conway |
1997 |
Excavating Semantics |
Carole Tenny Boster |
1997 |
Processing and Parameter Setting in Language Acquisition: A Computational Approach |
Roger Martin |
1996 |
A minimalist theory of PRO and control |
Heeheon Park |
1996 |
Government Relations in Korean Phonology |
Javier Ormazabal |
1995 |
The Syntax of Complementation: On the Connection Between Syntactic Structure and Selection |
Hideki Maki |
1995 |
The Syntax of particles |
Keun-Won Sohn |
1995 |
Negative Polarity Items, Scope, and Economy |
Željko Bošković |
1995 |
Principles of Economy in Nonfinite Complementation |
Joaquin Romero Gallego |
1995 |
Gestural Organization in Spanish. An Experimental Study of Spirantization and Aspiration |
Qi Emily Wang |
1995 |
Are syllables units of speech motor organization? A kinematic analysis of labial and velar gestures in Cantonese |
Lisa Ferro |
1994 |
A Cross-Linguistic Study of Phonotactics and Vowel Length |
Jai-Hyoung Cho |
1994 |
Scrambling in Korean: Crossover, Reconstruction and Binding Theory |
Myung-Kwan Park |
1994 |
A Morpho-Syntactic Study of Korean Verbal Inflection |
Rhang-hye-yun Lee |
1994 |
Economy of Representation |
Yoichi Miyamoto |
1994 |
Secondary Predicates and Tense |
Hiroto Hoshi |
1994 |
Passive Verbs and Light Verbs: A Study on Theta Role Assignment |
Daiko Takahashi |
1994 |
Minimality of Movement |
Maria Uribe-Echevarria |
1994 |
Interface licensing conditions on negative polarity items: A theory of polarity and tense interactions |
Yi Xu |
1993 |
Contextual Tonal Variation in Mandarin Chinese |
Jun Abe |
1993 |
Binding Conditions and Scrambling Without A/A’ Distinction |
Naoko Nemoto |
1993 |
Chains and Case Positions: A Study From Scrambling in Japanese |
Karen Smith |
1992 |
Morphological Skills in Normal and Specifically Language-impaired Children |
Michiya Kawai |
1992 |
Missing Object Constructions and Null Operator predication |
Jeong-Shik Lee |
1992 |
Case Alternation in Korean: Case Minimality |
Eun-Ji Lee |
1992 |
On the Extended Projection Principle |
Nianqi Ren |
1992 |
Phonation Types and Stop Consonant Distinctions: Shanghai Chinese |
Shu-Ying Yang |
1991 |
“Dative Alternation” in Chinese and English |
Yasuo Ishii |
1991 |
Operators and Empty Categories in Japanese |
Atsu Inoue |
1991 |
A Comparative Study of Parsing in English and Japanese |
Jaya Sarma |
1991 |
The Acquisition of WH-Questions in English |
Keiko Murasugi |
1991 |
Noun Phrases in Japanese and English: A Study in Syntax, Learnability and Acquisition |
Wei-Jia Ni |
1991 |
Referentiality and Garden Path Phenomena |
Rosalind Thornton |
1990 |
Adventures in Long-distance Moving — The Acquisition of Complex Wh-questions |
Sung-Ho Ahn |
1990 |
Korean Quantification and Universal Grammar |
Eva G. Bar-Shalom |
1989 |
Comprehension and Production of Relative Clauses and Passives by Good and Poor Readers |
Aliaa Abd El-Moneim |
1989 |
Role of INFL |
Robyne Tiedeman |
1989 |
Government and Locality Conditions on Syntactic Relations |
Ana Varela |
1988 |
Binding in Spanish: A Theoretical and Experimental Study |
Hwei-Bing Lin |
1988 |
Contextual Stability of Taiwanese Tones |
Juan Uriagereka |
1988 |
On Government |
Cecile McKee |
1988 |
Italian Children’s Mastery of Binding |
Mineharu Nakayama |
1988 |
Acquisition of Lexical and Structural Properties in Japanese |
Basim Majdi |
1988 |
Iraqi Arabic Morphophonemics |
Carl Girelli |
1988 |
Brazilian Portuguese Syllable Structure |
Elaine McNulty |
1988 |
The Syntax of Adjunct Predicates |
Safinaz Hammouda |
1987 |
Learnability Issues in The Acquisition of Dative in English |
Millicent Winston |
1987 |
Deictic Verbs: Use and Acquisition |
Samuel David Epstein |
1987 |
Empty Categories and their Antecedents |
Paul Gorrell |
1987 |
Studies of Human Syntactic Processing: Ranked-parallel versus Serial Models |
Katyanee Svastikula |
1986 |
A Perceptual and Acoustic Study of the Effects of Speech Rate on Distinctive Vowel Length in Thai |
David Ostafin |
1986 |
Studies in Latin Word Order: A Transformational Approach |
Thomas Heslin |
1985 |
Topics in Latin Phonology: A Componential Approach |
Sungshim Hong |
1985 |
A and A’ Binding in Korean and English: Government-Binding Parameters |
Paul Costa |
1985 |
Old Icelandic and Morphological Theory |
Deborah Wilkenfeld |
1984 |
Encoding Prosody in Silent Reading |
Janette Henderson |
1984 |
Velopharyngeal Function in Oral and Nasal Vowels: A Cross-Language Study |
Lori Davis |
1984 |
Arguments and Expletives: Thematic and Nonthematic NPs |
Daniel Recasens |
1983 |
Coarticulation in Catalan VCV Sequences: An Articulatory and Acoustic Study |
Mary Smith |
1983 |
Integration of Temporal and Spectral Cues to Stress |
Stephen Eady |
1982 |
Fundamental Frequency in Sentence Production: A Study of Canadian French Speech |
Jordan Cohen |
1982 |
Theory of the Neural Coding of Pitch |
Aino Kardestuncer |
1982 |
Theoretical Implications of Turkish Vowel Harmony |
Karen Ogulnick |
1981 |
Allomorphy in Linguistic Theory |
Craig Hoffman |
1980 |
Phrase Structure, Subcategorization, and Transformations in the English Verb Phrase |
Joseph Kupin |
1979 |
Tongue Twisters and Phonetic Processing |
Janet May |
1979 |
Perception of Fricatives in Egyptian Arabic |
Mona Anderson |
1979 |
Noun Phrase Structure |
Margaret Allen |
1978 |
Morphological Investigations |
Lyn Frazier |
1978 |
On Comprehending Sentences: Syntactic Parsing Strategies |
Susan Lea Donald |
1978 |
The Perception of Voicing Contrasts in Thai and English |
Gary Kuhn |
1977 |
The Acoustic Determinants of Stop Consonant Place Perception |
Phoebe Huang |
1977 |
WH Fronting and Related Processes |
Koit Ojamaa |
1976 |
Temporal Aspects of Phonological Quantity in Estonian |
Robert F. Port |
1976 |
The Influence of Speaking Tempo on the Duration of Stressed Vowel and Medial Stop in English Trochee Words |
Terrance M. Nearey |
1976 |
Phonetic Feature Systems for Vowels |
Donna M. Erickson |
1976 |
Physiological Analysis of the Tones of Thai |
Robert G. Couillard |
1974 |
Verb System of Kacchi |
David R. Leidner |
1973 |
An Electromyographic and Acoustic Study of American English Liquids |
James E. Atkinson |
1973 |
Aspects of Intonation in Speech |