
Yusuke Yagi 2025 Dynamics, Assertability, and Presuppositions in Japanese and English disjunctions
Xuetong Yuan 2024 Conditions on Conditionals: Evaluativity, Discourse Sensitivity, and Conditionals without if
Beccy Lewis 2024 Cross-linguistic variation in the function of heterogeneous plural marking and its theoretical consequences
Yuya Noguchi 2024 Asymmetries, Covert Wh-Movement, and Nominality in Japanese Wh-Questions
Kangzheng Gao 2024 A constraint-based approach to syntactic parameter-setting
Shengyun Gu 2023 Bimanual coordination: The non-dominant hand in Shanghai Sign Language
Si Kai Lee 2023 At the Edge of Contact, Insights from the Left Peripheries of Singlish
Ivana Jovović 2023 Pronouns at the interface of syntax and discourse structure
Jayeon Park 2023 Not exceptional, not reducible: An experimental investigation of three purported exceptions to island effects in English
Pavel Koval 2023 The syntax of relative clause extraposition: An experimental investigation of island and c-command effects
Pietro Cerrone 2023 Italian Clictic Left Dislocation and Ā-movement: an experimental investigation
Teruyuki Mizuno 2023 Counterfactual Expressions: An Investigation into their Structures and Meanings
Hiroaki Saito 2023 Ways of Saying—Synchronically and Diachronically
Muyi Yang 2023 Varieties of Conditionals as Definite Descriptions
Christos Christopoulos 2022 Structures All the Way: Toward a deeper theory of affix order
Shuyan Wang 2022 Scalar implicatures in child language: The role of processing capacities
Yoshiki Fujiwara 2022 Movement Approach to Ellipsis in Japanese
Hiromune Oda 2021 A more fine-grained distinction of NP/DP-languages and parameters in minimalism
Emma Nguyen 2021 The predictive power of lexical semantics on the acquisition of passive voice in young children
Yuta Tatsumi 2021 Linguistic realization of measuring and counting in the nominal domain: A cross-linguistic study of syntactic and semantic variations
Gabriel Martínez Vera 2020 On the Semantics of Evidentials in Southern Aymara
Roberto Petrosino 2020 More than islands of regularity: An investigation of the sensitivity of morphological decomposition to higher-level linguistic properties
Renato Lacerda 2020 Middle-field Syntax and Information Structure in Brazilian Portuguese
Karina Bertolino 2020 An Experimental Study on the Acquisition of Impersonals in Brazilian Portuguese
Ksenia Bogomolets 2020 Lexical Accent in Languages with Complex Morphology
Paula Fenger 2020 Words within Words: The Internal Syntax of Verbs
Abigail Thornton 2020 Morphophonological & Morphosyntactic Domains
Vanessa Petroj 2020 Ignoring Language Barriers: Romanian-Serbian Code-Switching
Adrian Stegovec 2019 Person on the Edge: Lessons from Crosslinguistic Variation in Syntactic Person Restrictions
Marcin R. Dadan 2019 Head Labeling Preference and Language Change
Ryosuke Hattori 2019 Null Operators and Parameter Setting
Koji Shimamura 2018 The Theory of Quotative Complementation in Japanese Semanticosyntax
Zheng Shen 2018 Feature Arithmetic in the Nominal Domain
YongSuk Yoo 2018 Mobility in Syntax: On Contextuality in Labeling and Phases
Troy Messick 2017 The Morphosyntax of Self-ascription: A Cross-linguistic Study
Aida Talić 2017 From A to N and Back: Functional and Bare Projections in the Domain of N and A
Yuta Sakamoto 2017 Escape from Silent Syntax
Corinna Goodwin 2016 English Morphological Development in Bimodal Bilingual Children: Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Children of Deaf Adults
Gísli Rúnar Harðarson 2016 Cycling Through Grammar: On Compounds, Noun Phrases and Domains
Alex Vaxman 2016 How to Beat without Feet: Weight Scales and Parameter Dependencies in the Computation of Word Accent
Neda Todorović 2016 On the Presence/Absence of TP: Syntactic Properties and Temporal Interpretation
Ting Xu 2016 Almost Again: On the Semantics and Acquisition of Decomposition Adverbs
Tsuyoshi Sawada 2015 Pleonastic Merger
Peters Smith 2015 Feature Mismatches: Consequences for Syntax, Morphology and Semantics
Beata Moskal 2015 Domains on the Border: Between Morphology and Phonology
Yoshiyuki Shibata 2015 Exploring Syntax from the Interfaces
Irina Monich 2015 Morphosyntax and Tonology of Sotho Languages
Shigeki Taguchi 2015 Syntactic Operations on Heads and their Theoretical Implications
Koichi Otaki 2014 Ellipsis of Arguments: Its Acquisition and Theoretical Implications
Jungmin Kang 2014 On the Absence of TP and its Consequences: Evidence from Korean
Jelena Runić 2014 A New Look at Clitics, Clitic Doubling, and Argument Ellipsis: Evidence from Slavic
Lyn Tieu 2013 Logic and Grammar in Child Language: How Children Acquire the Semantics of Polarity Sensitivity
Zhanna Glushan 2013 The Role of Animacy in Russian Morphosyntax
Sandra Wood 2013 Degrees of Rootedness in Acquisition of Language: A Look at Universal Grammar in Homesigners and Late Learners of Libras
José Riqueros Morante 2013 Spanish Nominal(ization) Patterns
Hsu-Te Cheng 2013 Argument Ellipsis, Classifier Phrases, and the DP Parameter
Julio Villa-García 2012 The Spanish Complementizer System
Elena Koulidobrova 2012 Transfer of Argument Omission in the Speech of ASL-English Biliguals
I-Ta Hsieh 2012 Polarity in Conditionals and Conditional-like Constructions
Jean Leonore Crawford 2012 Developmental Perspectives on the Acquisition of the Passive
Cynthia L. Zocca DeRoma 2011 Separating Operators from their Variables
Ana Bastos-Gee 2011 Information Structure within the traditional nominal domain: the case of Brazilian Portuguese
Masahiko Takahashi 2011 Some Theoretical Consequences of Case-Marking in Japanese
Nilufer Şener 2011 Semantics and Pragmatics of Evidentials in Turkish
Miloje Despic 2011 Syntax in the Absence of Determiner Phrase
Natalia Viktorovna Fitzgibbons 2010 Licensers and Meanings: Structural Properties of Dependent Indefinites
Oksana Vladimirovna Tarasenkova 2010 Acquisition of Agreement and Morphological Features Within the Noun Phrase in Russian
Serkan Şener 2010 Non-peripheral Matters in Turkish Syntax
Nina Radkevich 2010 The Structure of Case and Adpositions
Pei-Jung Kuo 2009 IP Internal Movement and Topicalization
Toshiko Oda 2008 Degree Constructions in Japanese
Simona Herdan 2008 Degrees and Amounts in Relative Clauses
Miguel Rodríguez-Mondoñedo 2007 The Syntax of Objects: Agree and Differential Object Marking
Natalia Rakhlin 2007 Semantic Manifestations of the Developing Theroy of Mind
Duk-Ho An 2007 Syntax at the PF Interface
Inkie Chung 2007 Ecology of PF: A Study of Korean Phonology and Morphology in a Derivational Approach
Sei-Rang Oh 2005 Plurality Markers across Languages
Bum-Sik Park 2005 Identity and Locality in Ellipsis
Bosook Kang 2005 The Acquisition of Language-particular Properties Under Impoverished Input
Elaine Grolla 2005 Pronouns as Elsewhere Elements: Implications for Language Acquisition
Masashi Nomura 2005 Nominative Case and AGREE(ment)
Lara Reglero 2004 A’-dependencies in Spanish and Basque
Sarah Felber 2004 Isolating the Grammar: Removing Extra-grammatical Effects from the Theory of Grammar Through Investigation of Grammatical Viruses
Stephanie Berk 2004 Sensitive Period Effects on the Acquisition of Language: A Study of Language Development [Psychology]
Douglas Wharram 2003 On the Interpretation of (Un)certain Indefinites in Inuktitut and Related Languages
Fumikazu Niinuma 2003 The Syntax of Honorification
Klaus Abels 2003 Successive Cyclicity, Anti-locality, and Adposition Stranding
Maria Luisa Martí Martínez 2003 Contextual Variables
Emma Ticio Quesada 2003 On the Structure of DPs
Saša Vukić 2003 On Features and the MLC
Mariana Lambova 2003 On Information Structure and Clausal Architecture: Evidence from Bulgarian
Maki Yamane 2003 On Interaction of First-Language Transfer and Universal Grammar in adult Second Language Acquisition: Wh-Movement in L1-Japanese/L2-English Interlanguage
Koji Sugisaki 2003 Innate Constraints on Language Variation: Evidence from Child Language
Penka Stateva 2002 How Different are Different Degree Constructions
David Braze 2002 Grammaticality, Acceptability and Sentence Processing: A Psycholinguistic Study
Arthur Stepanov 2001 Cyclic Domains in Syntactic Theory
Deborah Chen Pichler 2001 Word Order Variability and Acquisition in American Sign Language
Adolfo Ausin 2001 On A-movement
Cedric Boeckx 2001 Mechanisms of Chain Formation
Laurel Anne LaPorte-Grimes 2001 The Syntax and Acquisition of Verbal Inflection
Tien-Hsin Hsin 2000 Aspects of Maga Rukai Phonology
Asako Uchibori 2000 The Syntax of Subjunctive Complements: Evidence from Japanese
Marcela Depiante 2000 The Syntax of Deep and Surface Anaphora: A Study of Null Complement Anaphora and Stripping/Bare Argument Ellipsis
Kazuko Hiramatsu 2000 Accessing Linguistic Competence: Evidence from Children’s and Adults’ Acceptability Judgments
Masao Ochi 1999 Constraints on Feature Checking
Sandra Stjepanovic 1999 What Do Second Position Cliticization, Scrambling and Multiple WH-Fronting have in Common?
Kazuko Yatsushiro 1999 Case Licensing and VP Structure
Ayumi Matsuo 1998 A Comparative Study of Tense and Ellipsis
Satoshi Oku 1998 A Theory of Selection and Reconstruction in the Minimalist Perspective
Kazumi Matsuoka 1998 The Acquisition of Japanese Case Particles and the Theory of Case Checking
Jeong-Seok Kim 1997 Syntactic Focus Movement and Ellipsis: A Minimalist Approac
Laura Lim Conway 1997 Excavating Semantics
Carole Tenny Boster 1997 Processing and Parameter Setting in Language Acquisition: A Computational Approach
Roger Martin 1996 A minimalist theory of PRO and control
Heeheon Park 1996 Government Relations in Korean Phonology
Javier Ormazabal 1995 The Syntax of Complementation: On the Connection Between Syntactic Structure and Selection
Hideki Maki 1995 The Syntax of particles
Keun-Won Sohn 1995 Negative Polarity Items, Scope, and Economy
Željko Bošković 1995 Principles of Economy in Nonfinite Complementation
Joaquin Romero Gallego 1995 Gestural Organization in Spanish. An Experimental Study of Spirantization and Aspiration
Qi Emily Wang 1995 Are syllables units of speech motor organization? A kinematic analysis of labial and velar gestures in Cantonese
Lisa Ferro 1994 A Cross-Linguistic Study of Phonotactics and Vowel Length
Jai-Hyoung Cho 1994 Scrambling in Korean: Crossover, Reconstruction and Binding Theory
Myung-Kwan Park 1994 A Morpho-Syntactic Study of Korean Verbal Inflection
Rhang-hye-yun Lee 1994 Economy of Representation
Yoichi Miyamoto 1994 Secondary Predicates and Tense
Hiroto Hoshi 1994 Passive Verbs and Light Verbs: A Study on Theta Role Assignment
Daiko Takahashi 1994 Minimality of Movement
Maria Uribe-Echevarria 1994 Interface licensing conditions on negative polarity items: A theory of polarity and tense interactions
Yi Xu 1993 Contextual Tonal Variation in Mandarin Chinese
Jun Abe 1993 Binding Conditions and Scrambling Without A/A’ Distinction
Naoko Nemoto 1993 Chains and Case Positions: A Study From Scrambling in Japanese
Karen Smith 1992 Morphological Skills in Normal and Specifically Language-impaired Children
Michiya Kawai 1992 Missing Object Constructions and Null Operator predication
Jeong-Shik Lee 1992 Case Alternation in Korean: Case Minimality
Eun-Ji Lee 1992 On the Extended Projection Principle
Nianqi Ren 1992 Phonation Types and Stop Consonant Distinctions: Shanghai Chinese
Shu-Ying Yang 1991 “Dative Alternation” in Chinese and English
Yasuo Ishii 1991 Operators and Empty Categories in Japanese
Atsu Inoue 1991 A Comparative Study of Parsing in English and Japanese
Jaya Sarma 1991 The Acquisition of WH-Questions in English
Keiko Murasugi 1991 Noun Phrases in Japanese and English: A Study in Syntax, Learnability and Acquisition
Wei-Jia Ni 1991 Referentiality and Garden Path Phenomena
Rosalind Thornton 1990 Adventures in Long-distance Moving — The Acquisition of Complex Wh-questions
Sung-Ho Ahn 1990 Korean Quantification and Universal Grammar
Eva G. Bar-Shalom 1989 Comprehension and Production of Relative Clauses and Passives by Good and Poor Readers
Aliaa Abd El-Moneim 1989 Role of INFL
Robyne Tiedeman 1989 Government and Locality Conditions on Syntactic Relations
Ana Varela 1988 Binding in Spanish: A Theoretical and Experimental Study
Hwei-Bing Lin 1988 Contextual Stability of Taiwanese Tones
Juan Uriagereka 1988 On Government
Cecile McKee 1988 Italian Children’s Mastery of Binding
Mineharu Nakayama 1988 Acquisition of Lexical and Structural Properties in Japanese
Basim Majdi 1988 Iraqi Arabic Morphophonemics
Carl Girelli 1988 Brazilian Portuguese Syllable Structure
Elaine McNulty 1988 The Syntax of Adjunct Predicates
Safinaz Hammouda 1987 Learnability Issues in The Acquisition of Dative in English
Millicent Winston 1987 Deictic Verbs: Use and Acquisition
Samuel David Epstein 1987 Empty Categories and their Antecedents
Paul Gorrell 1987 Studies of Human Syntactic Processing: Ranked-parallel versus Serial Models
Katyanee Svastikula 1986 A Perceptual and Acoustic Study of the Effects of Speech Rate on Distinctive Vowel Length in Thai
David Ostafin 1986 Studies in Latin Word Order: A Transformational Approach
Thomas Heslin 1985 Topics in Latin Phonology: A Componential Approach
Sungshim Hong 1985 A and A’ Binding in Korean and English: Government-Binding Parameters
Paul Costa 1985 Old Icelandic and Morphological Theory
Deborah Wilkenfeld 1984 Encoding Prosody in Silent Reading
Janette Henderson 1984 Velopharyngeal Function in Oral and Nasal Vowels: A Cross-Language Study
Lori Davis 1984 Arguments and Expletives: Thematic and Nonthematic NPs
Daniel Recasens 1983 Coarticulation in Catalan VCV Sequences: An Articulatory and Acoustic Study
Mary Smith 1983 Integration of Temporal and Spectral Cues to Stress
Stephen Eady 1982 Fundamental Frequency in Sentence Production: A Study of Canadian French Speech
Jordan Cohen 1982 Theory of the Neural Coding of Pitch
Aino Kardestuncer 1982 Theoretical Implications of Turkish Vowel Harmony
Karen Ogulnick 1981 Allomorphy in Linguistic Theory
Craig Hoffman 1980 Phrase Structure, Subcategorization, and Transformations in the English Verb Phrase
Joseph Kupin 1979 Tongue Twisters and Phonetic Processing
Janet May 1979 Perception of Fricatives in Egyptian Arabic
Mona Anderson 1979 Noun Phrase Structure
Margaret Allen 1978 Morphological Investigations
Lyn Frazier 1978 On Comprehending Sentences: Syntactic Parsing Strategies
Susan Lea Donald 1978 The Perception of Voicing Contrasts in Thai and English
Gary Kuhn 1977 The Acoustic Determinants of Stop Consonant Place Perception
Phoebe Huang 1977 WH Fronting and Related Processes
Koit Ojamaa 1976 Temporal Aspects of Phonological Quantity in Estonian
Robert F. Port 1976 The Influence of Speaking Tempo on the Duration of Stressed Vowel and Medial Stop in English Trochee Words
Terrance M. Nearey 1976 Phonetic Feature Systems for Vowels
Donna M. Erickson 1976 Physiological Analysis of the Tones of Thai
Robert G. Couillard 1974 Verb System of Kacchi
David R. Leidner 1973 An Electromyographic and Acoustic Study of American English Liquids
James E. Atkinson 1973 Aspects of Intonation in Speech