Jairo Nunes
Adjunct Associate Professor of Linguistics
Education:Ph.D. University of Maryland
Research areas:Syntactic Theory, Comparative Syntax, Romance Linguistics
Boeckx, C., N. Hornstein, and J. Nunes. 2010. Control as Movement. Cambridge University Press.
Nunes, J. (ed.). 2009. Minimalist Essays on Brazilian Portuguese Syntax. John Benjamins.
Corver, N. and J. Nunes (eds.). 2007. The Copy Theory of Movement. John Benjamins.
Grohmann, K., N. Hornstein, and J. Nunes. 2005. Understanding Minimalism. Cambridge University Press.
Nunes, J. 2004. Linearization of Chains and Sideward Movement. MIT Press.
Nunes, J. 2010. Relativizing Minimality for A-movement: f- and q-relations. Probus 22:1-25.
Boeckx, C., N. Hornstein, and J. Nunes. 2010. Icelandic Control Really is A-movement: Reply to Bobaljik and Landau. Linguistic Inquiry 41:111-130.
Nunes, J. 2008. Inherent Case as a Licensing Condition for A-movement: The Case of Hyper-raising Constructions in Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 7:83-108.
Boeckx, C., N. Hornstein, and J. Nunes. 2008. Copy-reflexive and Copy-control Constructions: A Movement Analysis. Linguistic Variation Yearbook 8:61-99.
Hornstein, N., A. M. Martins, and J. Nunes. 2008. Perception and Causative Structures in English and European Portuguese: f-Feature Agreement and the Distribution of Bare and Prepositional Infinitives. Syntax 11:198-222.
Hornstein, N. and J. Nunes. 2008. Adjunction, Labeling, and Bare Phrase Structure. Biolinguistics 2:57-86.
Aoun, J. and J. Nunes. 2007. Vehicle Change Phenomena as an Argument for Move-F. Linguistic Inquiry 38:525-538.
Hornstein, N. and J. Nunes. 2002. On Asymmetries between Parasitic Gaps and Across-the-Board Constructions. Syntax 5.1:26-54.
Nunes, J. 2001. Sideward Movement. Linguistic Inquiry 31.2:303-344.
Nunes, J. and J. Uriagereka. 2000. Cyclicity and Extraction Domains. Syntax 3.1:20-43.

jmnunes@usp.br |