Keiko Murasugi
Research Scholar
Education:Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Research areas:Acquisition of Syntax, The Structure of Japanese
Murasugi, K. (2004) Two Different Types of Overgeneration of “no” in Japanese Noun Phrases (with Tomoko Hashimoto), in Hang-Jin Yoon, ed., Generative Grammar in a Broader Perspective, Hankook Publishing Company, Seoul, 327-349.
Murasugi, K. (2004) On the Acquisition of Scrambling in Japanese (with Tomoko Kawamura), Language and Linguistics 5, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 131-151.
Murasugi, K. and T. Hashimoto. (2004) Three Pieces of Acquisition Evidence for the v-VP Frame (with ), Nanzan Linguistics 1, Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University, 1-19.
Murasugi, K. (2000) Japanese Complex Noun Phrases and the Antisymmetry Theory, in Roger Martin, David Michaels and Juan Uriagereka. eds., Step by Step: Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 231-264.
Murasugi, K. and M. Saito. (1999) Subject Predication within IP and DP, in Kyle Johnson and Ian Roberts, eds., Beyond Principles and Parameters: Essays in Memory of Osvaldo Jaeggli, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 167-188. | |
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