Mamoru Saito
Distinguished Visitor in Linguistics
Education:Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research areas:Syntactic Theory, Structure of Japanese
Saito, M. (2010) Semantic and Discourse Interpretation of the Japanese Left Periphery. In N. Erteschik-Shir and L. Rochman, eds., The Sound Patterns of Syntax, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 140-173.
Saito, M., T.-H. J. Lin and K. Murasugi (2008) N’-Ellipsis and the Structure of Noun Phrases in Chinese and Japanese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 17, 247-271.
Saito, M. (2007) Notes on East Asian Argument Ellipsis. Language Research 43, 203-227.
Saito, M. (2006) Expletive Replacement Reconsidered: Evidence from Expletive Verbs in Japanese. In P. Brandt and E. Fuss, eds., Form, Structure, and Grammar: A Festschrift Presented to Günther Grewendorf on Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 255-273.
Saito, M. (2005) Further Notes on the Interpretation of Scrambling Chains. In J. Sabel and M. Saito, eds., The Free Word Order Phenomenon: Its Syntactic Sources and Diversity, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 335-376.
Saito, M. (2004) Ellipsis and Pronominal Reference in Japanese Clefts. Studies in Modern Grammar 36, The Modern Grammar Society of Korea, 1-44
Saito, M. (2004) Japanese Scrambling in a Comparative Perspective. In David Adger, Cecil de Cat and George Tsoulas, eds., Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 143-163.
Saito, M. A (2003) Derivational Approach to the Interpretation of Scrambling Chains. Lingua 113, 481-518.
Saito, M. (2001) Movement and theta-roles: A Case Study with Resultatives. In Yukio Otsu, ed., The Proceedings of the Second Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, Hituzi Syobo, Tokyo, 35-60.
Saito, M. (1999) Wh-Quantifier Interaction and the Interpretation of Wh-Phrases. In Enoch Iwamoto and Masatake Muraki, eds., In Search of the Human Mind: A Festschrift for Kazuko Inoue, Kaitakusha, Tokyo, 588-621. | |
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