I am Maryam Rezaasa, born in the capital city of Iran, Tehran. I did my BA (2005-2011) in English Language Translation, and then my MA (2012-2014) in Linguistics at the University of Allameh Tabataba’i (Tehran, Iran), where I launched a couple of phonetic, phonological and morphological studies.
At the same time, throughout my studies, I was occupied supervising English language schools besides teaching General English, IELTS, and TOEFL there (in Iran and Turkey), as well as translating several books and doing simultaneous translation.
My research interest in linguistics broadly includes phonology, and more specifically, I am interested in phono-typological study of prosodic elements from both descriptive and comparative perspectives.
In my spare time, I usually enjoy shopping, cooking, and hanging out with the others, and I would be delighted to meet new people.