Other News

Coppola | Volume on Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas

We are pleased to announce that “Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas”, a volume edited by Marie Coppola with Olivier Le Guen and Josefina Safar, is going to be published in November as part of DeGruyter’s Sign Language Typology Series.

“This volume is the first to bring together researchers studying a range of different types of emerging sign languages in the Americas, and their relationship to the gestures produced in the surrounding communities of hearing individuals.”

Park | Academy of Korean Studies Best Student Paper Prize

We are pleased to announce that Jayeon Park received the Academy of Korean Studies Best Student Paper Prize for her presentation at the 28th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (JK28).

The prize was awarded for her presentation on The sustained anterior negativity and syntactic movement dependencies in Korean”, which reports on joint work with Satoshi Tomioka and Jon Sprouse.

Congratulations Jayeon!

Brittany Zykoski | New Student

I’m Brittany Zykoski, and I’m from Virginia. I got my BA in Linguistics with a minor in French from the University of Virginia. In the past, I have focused mostly on phonology and am particularly interested in contact linguistics. After graduating, I traveled, studied, and taught English abroad in Morocco, South Korea, and Japan. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, watching football, and studying languages (currently Uzbek/Uyghur).

Yusuke Yagi | New Student


I’m Yusuke Yagi, I’m from Japan. Though my birthplace was Hokkaido, the northmost prefecture in Japan, I had lived in Tokyo for as long as I can remember. At Waseda University, I did a BA in English and an MA in linguistics. My interest used to be exclusively on Syntax, but right now I find myself enjoying pursuing Semantic issues too. When I have spare time I enjoy running or drinking beer/whisk(e)y.

Tarcisio Dias | New Student


I am Tarcisio Dias, and I grew up in a small city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. I received my BA in Linguistics and Portuguese at the Universidade de São Paulo, and my MA in Linguistics from the same institution. During both my BA and MA I worked with several topics in a Brazilian indigenous language called Karitiana under a generative perspective: verbal pluractionality, Case and agreement, copular constructions, predication, and ellipsis. I am primarily interested in syntax, and in whatever comes knocking on syntactic phenomenon doors. Currently, my particular interest is in ellipsis, especially sluicing.

I’m always available (except when I’m not) for coffee and beer – but not at the same time, of course! I enjoy cooking, and in my spare time, travelling and watching movies. I’m very happy to be part of the UConn community and look forward to what’s next. 🙂

James Canne | New Student

My name is James Canne and I’m from a small town in the American Midwest. I did a Licence in English literature with a linguistics minor at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and an MA in linguistics at University College London. As far back as I can remember I’ve had an interest in how language works. It wasn’t until I was studying in France that I realized how intricate the puzzles could be. I switched to linguistics for my MA and haven’t looked back since.

My primary focus is the internal structure of the verb phrase. This includes research into particle verbs, transitivity, and resultative constructions.

Marley Beaver | New Student

My name is Marley Beaver. I come from Ann Arbor, Michigan, and I received my B.S. in Linguistics with a minor in Psychology from Eastern Michigan University. After graduation I spent a year working in early childhood education. My previous research has focused on the acquisition, syntax, and semantics of resultatives. My continuing research interests include semantics, language acquisition, and the syntax-semantics interface. I enjoy working on creative projects (usually knitting or printmaking) and spending time outdoors.

NACCL-32 at UConn

The 32nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-32), organized by the UConn Department of Literatures, Cultures & Languages, is going to be held online on September 18-20. Several UConn linguists are going to be presenting at the conference:

  • Shuyan Wang. A Prosodic Analysis of Mandarin Classifiers
  • Shengyun Gu. Agreement verbs with weak hand classifier in Shanghai Sign Language
  • Xuetong Yuan & Hiroaki Saito. Matrix shuo in Mandarin
  • Yuanyuan Zhang & Chui Yi Margaret Lee. NPIs and their attenuation effects: Zenme ‘how’ as a case in Mandarin Chinese
  • Nick Huang (National University of Singapore/UConn), Annemarie van Dooren & Gesoel Mendes. Wanting the future: the case of desire and future ​yao
  • Nick Huang (National University of Singapore/UConn). Nominal expressions without nouns in Mandarin