Other News

Lee Defense

Si Kai Lee successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled At the Edge of Contact, Insights from the Left Peripheries of Singlish on September 18th.

Congratulations, Si Kai!

Si Kai during the defense:


Dr. Lee with his committee after the successful defense:


Dr. Lee cutting his well earned cake:


Carstens | Linguistic Inquiry

Vicki Carstens’s article “Nguni bare nouns: licensing without Case” has just appeared online ahead of its print publication in Linguistic Inquiry. Congratulations, Vicki!

Abstract: Nguni bare or augmentless([–A]) nominals are licit only as strict negative dependents and wh-words. They may not appear in a preverbal subject position unless local to a negation-licensed [–A] complementizer of a subjunctive clause (Pietraszko 2021). This pattern motivates an analysis in terms of negative concord and a labeling theory approach to the Extended Projection Principle (EPP) (Chomsky 2013): [–A] nouns have uninterpretable negation features that thwart agreement and labeling in [XP, YP] configurations (see also Bošković 2019, 2020 on uninterpretable features and labeling problems) unless valued by interpretable negation in a syntactic Agree relation (Zeijlstra 2008, Haegeman and Lohndal 2010, Penka 2011). A cluster of further distributional restrictions on [–A] nominals are predictable from an independently motivated Nguni clausal topography of focus (Carstens and Mletshe 2016), eliminating any role for abstract Case in explaining the facts, contra Halpert 2015 and Pietraszko 2021. The analysis is inspired by and extends to parallel restrictions in Romance languages previously attributed to the Empty Category Principle and the EPP (Contreras 1986, Longobardi 1994, Déprez 2000, Landau 2007).

Sad news: Janet Dean Fodor

We are very sad to share the news that Janet Dean Fodor has passed away.

Janet was a faculty member in the UConn Department of Linguistics from 1973 until 1986, when she took up a position as Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She is widely praised for her fundamental work in establishing the field of human sentence processing, and the CUNY/HSP conference. Her research contributions and her mentorship have been highly influential, thought-provoking, and long-lasting. She was also kind, supportive, thoughtful, and generous. She will be sorely missed.

More information about her life and work can be found at https://www.gc.cuny.edu/people/janet-dean-fodor and https://janetdeanfodor.wordpress.com/

UConn Linguistics at the EGG

The Eastern Generative Grammar (EGG) summer school is taking place in Novi Sad, Serbia between July 24th-August 4th, and several UConn linguistics faculty and alumni are teaching courses at the summer school:

If you are interested in attending the summer school, registration has been extended to July 7th (the registration fee including dorm accommodation for two weeks is 250 EUR. Students from post-soviet countries are eligible for the reduced fee 210 EUR)

UConn Linguistics at the LSA Institute

The 71st LSA Linguistic Institute is taking place at UMass Amherst June 19th-July14th, and several UConn linguistics faculty and alumni are teaching courses at the institute:


Jovović Defense

Ivana Jovović successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Pronouns at the interface of syntax and discourse structure on Thursday June 22nd!.

Congratulations, Ivana!

Ivana during the defense:

Dr. Jovović with her committee after the successful defense:

Dr. Jovović cutting her well earned cake:

Park Defense

Jayeon Park successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Not exceptional, not reducible: An experimental investigation of three purported exceptions to island effects in English on Tuesday, June 20th.

Congratulations, Jayeon!

Dr. Park with her committee and the audience after her successful defense:

Koval Defense

Pasha Koval successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled The syntax of relative clause extraposition: An experimental investigation of island and c-command effects on Thursday, June 15th.

Congratulations, Pasha!

Dr. Koval with the audience after his successful defense:

Dr. Koval with his committee: