Magdalena Kaufmann gave a colloquium talk at Seoul National University on July 7th. Her talk was entitled “Conditional conjunctions and types of conditionals”.
Other News
UConn Linguistics at the EGG
The Eastern Generative Grammar (EGG) summer school is taking place in Novi Sad, Serbia between July 24th-August 4th, and several UConn linguistics faculty and alumni are teaching courses at the summer school:
- Željko Bošković
- Distributed coordinations
- On wh and subject positions and contextuality
- Paula Fenger (PhD 2020, now at Leipzig University)
- Neda Todorović (PhD 2016, now at University of Toronto)
If you are interested in attending the summer school, registration has been extended to July 7th (the registration fee including dorm accommodation for two weeks is 250 EUR. Students from post-soviet countries are eligible for the reduced fee 210 EUR)
UConn Linguistics at the LSA Institute
The 71st LSA Linguistic Institute is taking place at UMass Amherst June 19th-July14th, and several UConn linguistics faculty and alumni are teaching courses at the institute:
- Vicki Carstens & Harold Torrence. Issues in the Syntax of African Languages
- Deborah Chen Pichler (PhD 2001, now at Gallaudet University) & Diane Lillo Martin & Elaine Gale. Sign Language Acquisition as a Human Right
- William Snyder. Introduction to Children’s Acquisition of Grammar
Jovović Defense
Ivana Jovović successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Pronouns at the interface of syntax and discourse structure on Thursday June 22nd!.
Congratulations, Ivana!
Ivana during the defense:
Dr. Jovović with her committee after the successful defense:
Dr. Jovović cutting her well earned cake:
Park Defense
Jayeon Park successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Not exceptional, not reducible: An experimental investigation of three purported exceptions to island effects in English on Tuesday, June 20th.
Congratulations, Jayeon!
Dr. Park with her committee and the audience after her successful defense:
Koval Defense
Pasha Koval successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled The syntax of relative clause extraposition: An experimental investigation of island and c-command effects on Thursday, June 15th.
Congratulations, Pasha!
Dr. Koval with the audience after his successful defense:
Dr. Koval with his committee:
Željko Bošković | Invited talk University of Cambridge
Željko Bošković will give an invited talk at the University of Cambridge on June 5th. The talk will be titled: “On wh and subject positions, the EPP, and contextuality”.
Željko Bošković | University of Göttingen Colloquium
Željko Bošković gave a colloquium talk at the University of Göttingen on June 1st. The talk was titled: “On wh and subject positions, the EPP, and contextuality”.
Tieu | Glossa editor-in-chief
UConn linguistics alumna Lyn Tieu (PhD 2013, now at University of Toronto) has recently been promoted to co-Editor-in-Chief of GLOSSA alongside Johan Rooryck. Congratulations Lyn!
van der Hulst festschrift & NAPhCxii workshop
Harry van der Hulst was honored with a festschrift and special satellite workshop organized by Nancy Ritter at the Twelfth North American Phonology Conference (NAPhCxii), held at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, May 14, 2023.
Harry also gave an invited presentation at the main conference titled What can stress tell us about the structure of synthetic compounds?
Presentations by current/former UConn affiliates included:
At the satellite workshop:
Aida Talic (PhD 2017, now at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Phases and accent assignment domains
Alexandre Vaxman (PhD 2016, now at University of Tours). Interaction of phonological and diacritic weight in hybrid accent systems
Rachel Channon. A new feature type: Functional features in sign languages
At the main conference:
Shengyun Gu, Diane Lillo-Martin and Deborah Chen Pichler (PhD 2001, now at Gallaudet). Phonological Development in ASL-Signing Children: Pseudosign Repetition
Photo: UConn affiliates at the workshop in person.
Front row: Shengyun Gu, Deborah Chen Pichler
Back row: Aida Talic, Alexandre Vaxman, Nancy Ritter, Harry van der Hulst, Diane Lillo-Martin