Other News

Welcome to Omar Agha

We are pleased to announce that Omar Agha will be joining our department for the coming academic year. Omar is finishing up his dissertation in semantics at NYU with Lucas Champollion, having previously received a BA in linguistics and mathematics at the University of Chicago. He will teach courses in semantics/pragmatics and computational linguistics.

You can find more information about his research here.

Welcome Omar!



Jovović | Linguistic Inquiry

Ivana Jovović’s article “Condition B and Other Conditions on Pronominal Licensing in Serbo-Croatian” has just appeared online ahead of its print publication in Linguistic Inquiry. Congratulations Ivana!

Abstract: I argue that certain binding facts from Serbo-Croatian, analyzed as Condition B violations by Despić (2011, 2013), are best captured in terms of specific discourse constraints on coreferential pronouns and that such cases have no bearing on the categorial status of the nominal domain in Serbo-Croatian. I show that the availability of clitic and non-clitic pronouns that are coreferential with a possessor antecedent crucially depends on whether the antecedent is a discourse topic or new information focus; this leads me to conclude that such cases are not Condition B violations. I also observe that pronouns in English are subject to identical conditions and conclude that English also has clitic and nonclitic pronouns.

Kaufmanns at CNRS summer school

Magda and Stefan Kaufmann will be teaching at the summer school Conditionals 2022 (école thématique CNRS), held at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), Paris, France, June 13-17, 2022:

  • Magdalena Kaufmann. Conditionals without if – tracking conditional meaning across languages
  • Stefan Kaufmann. Logical properties and linguistic expression of conditional meaning