UConn Linguists at ICSLA

The 4th International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition (ICSLA 4) hosted by Boston University, will take place virtually on June 23-25, 2022. UConn will be well represented at the conference with presentations by:

  • L. Viola Kozak, Shengyun Gu, Deborah Chen Pichler (PhD 2001, now at Gallaudet University) and Diane Lillo-Martin. Phonological Development in ASL Signing Children: Comparing Approaches to Scoring a Pseudosign Repetition Task
  • Deborah Chen Pichler and Helen Koulidobrova (PhD 2012, now at Central Connecticut State University). Effects of reversibility and animacy on constituent order in beginner M2L2 signing 
  • Kaj Kraus, Taylor Chumley, Mary Cecilia Conte, Martin Dale-Hench, Tayla Newman and Deborah Chen Pichler. Character vs. observer: Revisiting viewpoint in M2L2 signer narratives (POSTER)
  • Ronice Müller de Quadros, Marilyn Mafra Klamt, Pamela Perniss and Diane Lillo-Martin. Visual cohesion in Coda multimodal productions (POSTER)

    UConn Linguistics at FASL

    The 31st annual meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 31) hosted by McMaster University in a hybrid mode is taking place on June 24-26. UConn linguistics will be well represented with presentations by:

    • Željko Bosković. Wh & wh Coordinations
    • Sandra Stjepanović (PhD 1999, now at West Virginia University). Left Branch Extraction and Agreement with Hybrid Nouns (POSTER)
    • Miloje Despić (PhD 2011, now at Cornell University). Nominal Ellipsis of Hybrid Nouns in Serbian
    • Beccy Lewis. Associative plurals in Slavic languages
    • Danil Khristov, Artur Stepanov (PhD 2001, now at University of Nova Gorica), Julie Franck & Penka Stateva (PhD 2002, now at University of Nova Gorica). Feature Assignment Errors in the Bulgarian Quantified Noun Phrase (POSTER)

    … as well as an invited talk by:

    • Neda Todorović (PhD 2016, now at University of British Columbia). What are(n’t) we asking with a (negative) polar question in Serbian?

    Jovović | Linguistic Inquiry

    Ivana Jovović’s article “Condition B and Other Conditions on Pronominal Licensing in Serbo-Croatian” has just appeared online ahead of its print publication in Linguistic Inquiry. Congratulations Ivana!

    Abstract: I argue that certain binding facts from Serbo-Croatian, analyzed as Condition B violations by Despić (2011, 2013), are best captured in terms of specific discourse constraints on coreferential pronouns and that such cases have no bearing on the categorial status of the nominal domain in Serbo-Croatian. I show that the availability of clitic and non-clitic pronouns that are coreferential with a possessor antecedent crucially depends on whether the antecedent is a discourse topic or new information focus; this leads me to conclude that such cases are not Condition B violations. I also observe that pronouns in English are subject to identical conditions and conclude that English also has clitic and nonclitic pronouns.

    Kaufmanns at CNRS summer school

    Magda and Stefan Kaufmann will be teaching at the summer school Conditionals 2022 (école thématique CNRS), held at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), Paris, France, June 13-17, 2022:

    • Magdalena Kaufmann. Conditionals without if – tracking conditional meaning across languages
    • Stefan Kaufmann. Logical properties and linguistic expression of conditional meaning


    UConn Linguistics at SALT

    The 32nd conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) will take place on June 8-10 in Mexico City and will be co-hosted by El Colegio de Mexico (COLMEX) and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). UConn will be represented at the conference with presentations by:

    • Muyi Yang. Singularity and plurality of discourse reference to worlds.
    • Teruyuki Mizuno and Stefan Kaufmann. Past-as-Past in counterfactual desire reports: a view from Japanese.