Magda and Stefan Kaufmann | Handbook of Japanese Semantics and Pragmatics

We are pleased to announce that the recently published Handbook of Japanese Semantics and Pragmatics (De Gruyter Mouton 2020, edited by Wesley W. Jacobsen and Yukinori Takubo) features two chapters by UConn faculty:

  • “Formal treatments of tense and aspect” by Stefan Kaufmann (Chapter 7, pages 371-422)
  • “Possibility and necessity in Japanese: Prioritizing, epistemic, and dynamic modality” by Magdalena Kaufmann and Sanae Tamura (Chapter 11, pages 537-586)


UConn Linguistics at BUCLD

The 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD45) is being held virtually from 5th-8th November 2020. UConn linguistics will be represented …

… with talks by:

  • Shuyan Wang. Universal free choice inferences of dou-constructions in child Mandarin.
  • Emma Nguyen. Can “blick” be passivized? Depends on its meaning: A novel-verb study with English-speaking children.
  • Lyn Tieu (PhD 2013, now at Western Sydney University) and Nichola Shelton. The Comparative-Superlative Generalization in child language.

… and a poster presentations by:

  • Cory Bill, Elena Pagliarini, Jacopo Romoli, Lyn Tieu, and Stephen Crain. Children’s interpretations of every … some sentences.

Coppola | Volume on Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas

We are pleased to announce that “Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas”, a volume edited by Marie Coppola with Olivier Le Guen and Josefina Safar, is going to be published in November as part of DeGruyter’s Sign Language Typology Series.

“This volume is the first to bring together researchers studying a range of different types of emerging sign languages in the Americas, and their relationship to the gestures produced in the surrounding communities of hearing individuals.”

Park | Academy of Korean Studies Best Student Paper Prize

We are pleased to announce that Jayeon Park received the Academy of Korean Studies Best Student Paper Prize for her presentation at the 28th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (JK28).

The prize was awarded for her presentation on The sustained anterior negativity and syntactic movement dependencies in Korean”, which reports on joint work with Satoshi Tomioka and Jon Sprouse.

Congratulations Jayeon!

UConn Linguistics at JK

The 28th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference was held virtually from 7th-20th September 2020, hosted by the University of Central Lancashire. Several UConn linguists presented at the conference,

… with talks by:

  • Jayeon Park, Satoshi Tomioka and Jon Sprouse. The sustained anterior negativity and syntactic movement dependencies in Korean
  • Yuta Sakamoto (PhD 2017, now at Meiji University). Apparent VP-ellipsis in Japanese: An Argument Ellipsis Account

… and poster presentations by:

  • Hiroaki Saito (UConn/Mie University). On the independence of syntactic selection: a view from Japanese
  • Koji Shimamura (PhD 2018, now at Ristumeikan University). SAYing Appositive Clause and Its Relevance to Hearsay-ish Construction in Japanese
  • Yuya Noguchi. Clefts, freezing effects, and wh-movement in Japanese

Brittany Zykoski | New Student

I’m Brittany Zykoski, and I’m from Virginia. I got my BA in Linguistics with a minor in French from the University of Virginia. In the past, I have focused mostly on phonology and am particularly interested in contact linguistics. After graduating, I traveled, studied, and taught English abroad in Morocco, South Korea, and Japan. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, watching football, and studying languages (currently Uzbek/Uyghur).

Yusuke Yagi | New Student


I’m Yusuke Yagi, I’m from Japan. Though my birthplace was Hokkaido, the northmost prefecture in Japan, I had lived in Tokyo for as long as I can remember. At Waseda University, I did a BA in English and an MA in linguistics. My interest used to be exclusively on Syntax, but right now I find myself enjoying pursuing Semantic issues too. When I have spare time I enjoy running or drinking beer/whisk(e)y.