Bertolino, Nguyen, Petrosino | Isabelle Y. Liberman Award

We are pleased to announce that three of our graduate students have been recognized and awarded stipends for this year’s Isabelle Y. Liberman Award, which is intended to recognize and encourage young researchers who are investigating topics relating to Isabelle Y. Liberman’s interests.

Emma Nguyen received the award for her work on The link between lexical semantic features and children’s comprehension of English be-passives”, a paper submitted to Language Acquisition with Lisa Pearl.

Additionally, Karina Gomes Bertolino and Roberto Petrosino have been named finalists for the award.

Congratulations to all three!

Thornton Defense

Abigail Thornton successfully defended her dissertation titled “Morphophonological & Morphosyntactic Domains” on May 14th in our first doctoral defense since moving online.

Congratulations, Abbie!

Dr. Thornton with her committee:


UConn Linguistics at FASL

The 29 Annual Meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics is taking place virtually from May 8th-10th, hosted by the University of Washington. A number of UConn linguists are going to be presenting their work at the conference:

  • Franc Lanko Marušič (University of Nova Gorica) and Zheng Shen (PhD 2018, now at National University of Singapore). Gender agreement with exclusive disjunction in Slovenian

  • Ivana Jovović. On discourse licensing of co-indexed readings of pronouns: Serbo-Croatian strong pronouns as topic-shift anaphors

  • Sandra Stjepanović (PhD 1999, now at West Virginia University). Multiple Source Left Branch Extraction in Serbo-Croatian

  • Pasha Koval. Case transmission as long-distance phi-concord

UConn Linguistics at GLOW

The 43rd annual GLOW conference is taking place virtually from April 8th-10th, hosted by the Humboldt University of Berlin. UConn linguists are also going to be presenting their work at the conference:

  • Yuta Tatsumi. Pronominalization in Japanese: A licensing condition on pronominal elements (Poster presentation – conference project page available here)
  • Dimitris Michelioudakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) & Nina Radkevich (PhD 2010, now at University of York). Expanding the CP/DP parallelism: case alignment in nominals (Talk at “Remarks: The Legacy” workshop – conference project page available here)