Other News

Sign Language & Linguistics | Special Issue

A special issue of Sign Language & Linguistics in memory of Irit Meir was recently published, guest edited by Diane Lillo-Martin, Wendy Sandler, Marie Coppola, and Rose Stamp, who also wrote the introductory article “Irit Meir”.

The issue also contains the article “Person vs. locative agreement: Evidence from late learners and language emergence” by Lily Kwok (MA 2019), Stephanie Berk (PhD 2004), and Diane Lillo-Martin.

Magda and Stefan Kaufmann | Handbook of Japanese Semantics and Pragmatics

We are pleased to announce that the recently published Handbook of Japanese Semantics and Pragmatics (De Gruyter Mouton 2020, edited by Wesley W. Jacobsen and Yukinori Takubo) features two chapters by UConn faculty:

  • “Formal treatments of tense and aspect” by Stefan Kaufmann (Chapter 7, pages 371-422)
  • “Possibility and necessity in Japanese: Prioritizing, epistemic, and dynamic modality” by Magdalena Kaufmann and Sanae Tamura (Chapter 11, pages 537-586)