
UConn Linguistics at SuB

Sinn und Bedeutung 28, hosted by Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), is taking place September 5-8, 2023. UConn linguistics will be well represented at the conference, with the following talks:

  • Muyi Yang (UConn 2023, now at Osaka University). Back to Boolean: Rethinking clausal conjunctions in attitude ascriptions
  • Yu Hashimoto, Yusuke Yagi, and Hajime Mori. Dynamics and alternatives in unconditionals
  • Yusuke Yagi. Local context of logical connectives is not universal: A case study of Japanese disjunction
  • Adina Bleotu, Rodica Ivan, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Mara Panaitescu, Monica Casa, Anton Benz, Lyn Tieu (UConn 2013, now at University of Toronto), & Andreea Nicolae. Multiple disjunctions in child Romanian: On the possible sources of conjunctive readings

… and the following poster presentation:

  • Magdalena Kaufmann, Stefan Kaufmann, Teruyuki Mizuno (UConn 2023, now at Ochanomizu University), and Muyi Yang. Problem solving with Japanese ‘beki’


Picture: UConn contingent at SuB 28

UConn Linguistics at workshops in Tokyo & Ogoto-Onsen

The 2023 Tokyo Workshop on Computational and Theoretical Semantics took place at Ochanomizu University, Tokyo on July 21. UConn linguistics was represented at the workshop by:

  • Muyi Yang (PhD 2023, now Osaka University). Back to Boolean: rethinking clausal conjunctions in attitude reports
  • Teruyuki Mizuno (PhD 2023, now Ochanomizu University). Strategies for Anderson conditionals: their implications for the theory of O- and X-markings
  • Magdalena  and Stefan KaufmannJust in case? 
  • Stefan Kaufmann. Shifty if‘s iffy shifts

Muyi, Teru, Magda, and Stefan also took part in the Workshop in Semantics and Pragmatics at Komorebi in Ogoto-onsen, Shiga, July 24-25, where they presented Problem solving with Japanese “beki”.

(pictured: UConn linguistics contingent at the Ochanomizu University workshop)

    UConn Linguistics at FASL

    The 32st annual meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 32) hosted by Indiana University took place on May 19-21. UConn linguistics was represented with an invited talk by:

    • Adrian Stegovec. All shapes and sizes: Towards a more fine-grained approach to pronoun typology and competition effects

    … and talks by:

    • Željko Bosković. Object drop in imperatives and the status of imperative subjects
    • Aida Talić (PhD 2017, now at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Timing of post-syntactic operations in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian truncated infinitives 

      UConn Linguistics at SALT

      The 33nd conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) will take place on May 12-14th at Yale University. UConn will be represented at the conference with presentations by:

      • Ka-Fai Yip, Ushasi Banerjee and Margaret Chui Yi Lee. Are there “weak definites” in bare classifier languages?
      • Yusuke Yagi. Telescope of Incremental Quantification (poster)
      • Vicki Carstens. Extraction evidence on the syntax of Xhosa nominal expressions (workshop on (In)definiteness & Genericity across Languages)

        UConn Linguists at WCCFL

        The 41th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 41), hosted by UC Santa Cruz, is taking place on May 5-7, 2023. UConn will be well represented at the conference with talks by:

        • Neda Todorović (PhD 2016, now at University of Toronto). Gitksan complements are of variable sizes
        • Robin Jenkins. Timing the escape: Verbal identity in Uyghur verb-stranding ellipsis
        • Shengyun Gu. Weak drop in Shanghai Sign Language: Comparing signers and non-signers
        • Irene Amato and Adrian Stegovec. Disjunction under single referent: Voiding the ban on clitic coordination
        • Beccy Lewis. “Tell us about it!”: A deficient indexical in British English

        … and posters by:

        • Zixi Liu. Locality of locative inversion
        • Penelope Daniel. Unifying differential argument marking through interpretable features