Adrian Stegovec gave a colloquium talk at the Nanzan University Center for Linguistics on 12th September 2021. The talk was titled: “Syntactic person restrictions: Lessons from a generative typological approach”.
UConn Linguistics at SLS
The 16th annual Slavic Linguistics Society meeting (SLS) is being held virtually on September 3-5, hosted by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. UConn linguistics will be represented at the conference by the following talks:
Ivana Jovović. Explaining the effect of focus and size on cataphora
Penka Stateva (PhD 2002, now at University of Nova Gorica). Developmental aspects of Maximize Presupposition: a view from Slovenian (plenary talk)
Zheng Shen (PhD 2018, now at National University of Singapore). On CSC-violating movement in BCS
UConn Linguistics at AIMM
The 5th American International Morphology Meeting is being held online, August 26-29, 2021, hosted by The Ohio State University. UConn linguistics will be represented with a talk by:
- Shengyun Gu. Person agreement: an investigation of weak hand classifier verbs in Shanghai Sign Language
Magdalena & Stefan Kaufmann | NSF Grant
Magdalena & Stefan Kaufmann have been awarded an NSF grant for their project “Research on conditional and modal language” (09/01/2021 – 04/30/2024). Congratulations!
Abstract for the project:
“Language reflects and supports the ability to reason about the likelihood or goodness of unrealized possibilities–a critical capacity underlying practical decisions, scientific explanations, moral judgments, legal agreements, and attitudes like regret and relief. Conditional and modal expressions are ways to talk about what is, will be or would have been likely or preferable, and to flag contingencies and degrees of confidence. In English, such expressions (examples are ‘if-then’ sentences and auxiliaries like ‘must’ and ‘might’) have been extensively studied. However, languages other than English employ radically different ways to express similar notions, and much remains unknown about the cross-linguistic picture with regard to both the variety of expressive means and the uniformity of the underlying concepts. This project works towards filling that gap. Its linguistic goal is to elucidate how general concepts and cognitive abilities interact with the grammatical idiosyncrasies of different languages. Its wider applications include language teaching and artificial intelligence, where the ability to use and understand modals and conditionals correctly helps improve the quality of machine translation systems and human-computer interfaces.
The goal of this project is a detailed comparative study of the meaning and use of conditional and modal expressions in typologically unrelated languages. As a starting point, this work relies on the existing descriptive literature for important observations and data points. However, such descriptions are not typically geared towards a detailed cross-linguistic comparative study using the theoretical and methodological tools of contemporary formal semantics and pragmatics. One crucial part of this project, therefore, consists of a comprehensive survey and systematization of the results of prior research. The project builds on the survey results to develop theoretical analyses and cross-linguistic comparisons. The empirical base underlying the project’s theoretical work includes data reported in the literature, supplemented with introspective judgments by native speakers.”
Further information on the grant can be found here.
UConn Linguistics at SICOGG
The 23rd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar will be held online, August 11-13, 2021, co-hosted by the Korea Generative Grammar Circle and Sogang University. Several UConn linguists will be giving talks at the conference:
- Yuya Noguchi. Immobility, island sensitivity, and exhaustivity in Japanese elliptical constructions
- YongSuk Yoo (PhD 2018, now at JeonBuk National University) and Myung-Kwan Park. The Dynamics of Labeling in Scrambling as Adjunction
- Koji Shimamura. (PhD 2018, now at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) Clausal Nominalization and Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Japanese
- Zheng Shen (PhD 2018, now at National University of Singapore) Agreement in Nominal Right Node Raising: An experimental approach
- Zheng Shen and Meghan Lim. Extraction from definite, indefinite, and superlative NPs: An experimental approach
Huang to Singapore
Nick Huang (post-doc 2019-2021) will be starting a tenure-track assistant professor position at the National University of Singapore’s Department of English Language and Literature in August.
Congratulations Nick!
Nguyen Defense
Emma Nguyen successfully defended her dissertation titled “The predictive power of lexical semantics on the acquisition of passive voice in young children” on July 27th.
Congratulations, Emma!
Dr. Nguyen with her committee:
Stegovec at the EGG
The Eastern Generative Grammar (EGG) summer school is taking place online between 26th July-6th August. Adrian Stegovec will be teaching two courses at the summer school:
- Person restrictions in syntax: A generative typological approach (Week 1)
- Language particulars versus language universals: An Algonquian case study (Week 2)
New Department Head: Diane Lillo-Martin
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Diane Lillo-Martin will serve as the Department Head of Linguistics effective July 1. Diane is a renowned scholar, a pioneer in the study of sign languages and a fellow of the Linguistics Society of America. The department is grateful that a proven academic leader like Diane has volunteered to guide us through these times. Thank you, Diane!
UConn Linguistics at FEAST
The 9th meeting of the Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory (FEAST) colloquium, is going to be held virtually on June 1st-4th, hosted by The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies of CUHK. UConn linguistics is going to be represented by a flash talk & poster by:
- Linghui (Eva) Gan. Indexical shift with(-out) role shift: Evidence from Hong Kong Sign Language
… as well as a keynote talk by:
- Kazumi Matsuoka (1998 PhD, now Keio University, Japan). Grammatical patterns of ‘mouth-based mouth gestures’ in Japanese Sign Language