UConn Linguistics at the EGG

The Eastern Generative Grammar (EGG) summer school is taking place in Novi Sad, Serbia between July 24th-August 4th, and several UConn linguistics faculty and alumni are teaching courses at the summer school:

If you are interested in attending the summer school, registration has been extended to July 7th (the registration fee including dorm accommodation for two weeks is 250 EUR. Students from post-soviet countries are eligible for the reduced fee 210 EUR)

UConn Linguistics at the LSA Institute

The 71st LSA Linguistic Institute is taking place at UMass Amherst June 19th-July14th, and several UConn linguistics faculty and alumni are teaching courses at the institute:


Jovović Defense

Ivana Jovović successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Pronouns at the interface of syntax and discourse structure on Thursday June 22nd!.

Congratulations, Ivana!

Ivana during the defense:

Dr. Jovović with her committee after the successful defense:

Dr. Jovović cutting her well earned cake:

Park Defense

Jayeon Park successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Not exceptional, not reducible: An experimental investigation of three purported exceptions to island effects in English on Tuesday, June 20th.

Congratulations, Jayeon!

Dr. Park with her committee and the audience after her successful defense:

Koval Defense

Pasha Koval successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled The syntax of relative clause extraposition: An experimental investigation of island and c-command effects on Thursday, June 15th.

Congratulations, Pasha!

Dr. Koval with the audience after his successful defense:

Dr. Koval with his committee:

UConn Linguistics at FASL

The 32st annual meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 32) hosted by Indiana University took place on May 19-21. UConn linguistics was represented with an invited talk by:

  • Adrian Stegovec. All shapes and sizes: Towards a more fine-grained approach to pronoun typology and competition effects

… and talks by:

  • Željko Bosković. Object drop in imperatives and the status of imperative subjects
  • Aida Talić (PhD 2017, now at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Timing of post-syntactic operations in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian truncated infinitives