UConn Linguists at WCCFL

The 40th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 40), hosted by Stanford University, will take place virtually on May 13-15, 2022. UConn will be well represented at the conference with talks by:

  • Beccy Lewis. British English do-ellipsis is phasal ellipsis
  • Ari Goertzel. Pseudo noun incorporation in Mandinka
  • Željko Bošković. Binding and agreement in distributed coordinations
  • Zheng Shen (PhD 2018, now at National University of Singapore) and Meghan Lim. The definite DP island in wh-questions and relative clauses
  • Maria Kouneli, Paula Fenger (PhD 2020, now at Leipzig University), and Jonathan Bobaljik. Syntactic limitations on phonological dominance

    Romance Languages: Recent Contributions to Linguistic Theory

    The event Romance Languages: Recent Contributions to Linguistic Theory will take place online on April 28-29 hosted by Harvard University, with the following talks by UConn linguists:

    • Tarcísio Dias. Local wh-subjects under Brazilian Portuguese Quem nunca? Ellipsis
    • Julio Villa-García (PhD 2012, now at University of Oviedo & University of Manchester) & Denis Ott. Bisententiality in Romance: the case of multiple-complementizer sentences
    • Jairo Nunes (University of São Paulo & Adjunct Associate Professor at UConn). Defective Phases and the Grammar of Brazilian Portuguese (invited talk)

      UConn Linguistics at GLOW

      The 45th Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) Colloquium will take place at Queen Mary University of London on April 26-28, 2022 in a hybrid fashion. UConn linguistics will be well represented with talks and posters by:

      • Yuta Tatsumi (PhD 2021, now at Meika University). A cross linguistic survey of ‘parts’ of fractions (workshop on Typological generalizations and semantic theory)
      • Yusuke Yagi and Xuetong Yuan. Additive prejacent and/or additive alternatives: a principle and a parameter in Mandarin and Japanese (poster/alternate, workshop on Typological generalizations and semantic theory)
      • Takanobu Nakamura and Hiromune Oda (PhD 2022, now at The University of Tokyo) Maintaining Mandarin hen as a weak intensifier (poster, workshop on Typological generalizations and semantic theory)
      • Paula Fenger (PhD 2020, not at Leipzig Univerity) and Philipp Weisser. Limits of umlaut in Sinhala
      • Miloje Despić (PhD 2011, now at Cornell University). Number mismatch and ellipsis of hybrid nouns: A case for post-syntactic analysis of concord (poster)
      • Xuetong Yuan. Establishing discourse relations: two contrastive markers in Mandarin (poster)
      • Ksenia Bogomolets (PhD 2020, now at University of Auckland). Lexical Accent and the illusion of complexity


        UConn Linguistics at CLS

        The 58th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society (CLS) is taking place in-person on April 22-24, and UConn linguistics will be well represented at the conference with talks by:

        • Linghui Eva Gan. Question Answer Pairs in Hong Kong Sign Language
        • Penelope Daniel. Deriving Interpretive Effects of Spanish DOM
        • Xuetong Yuan. Establishing Discourse Relations: Two Contrastive Markers in Mandarin
        • Tarcisio Dias. Hyper-Raising and the Voiding of Freezing Effects
        • Nicolaus Schrum and Jon Sprouse. The Sustained Anterior Negativity as a Diagnostic for Movement in How-Come Questions

        … and poster presentations by:

        • Robin Jenkins. Covert Raising & Finite ECM in Turkish, Uyghur, & Japanese
        • Si Kai Lee. On Syntactic Tenselessness in Singlish: Evidence from Eventivity
        • Kazuya Kudo and Koji Shimamura (PhD 2018, now at Kanazawa Gakuin University & Kobe City University of Foreign Studies). On the Adjectivalizer -si in the Reduplicated & Deverbal Adjectives in Japanese
        • Beccy Lewis. A New Analysis of Associative Plurals: Evidence from Slavic languages

            Van der Hulst | AAUP Career Award

            Harry van der Hulst has been awarded the 2022 Excellence in Research & Creativity Career Award from the UConn-AAUP, one of only two recipients in the university. The recipients were chosen by the UConn-AAUP Excellence Awards Committee from a pool of excellent candidates. The intention of the awards is to showcase academic excellence at UConn.

            A virtual ZOOM ceremony to honor Professor van der Hulst, and other UConn-AAUP award recipients, will take place on Monday, April 25th at 12:00pm. Any and all who wish to attend are welcome and are asked to email Barbara Kratochvil to receive the ZOOM link.