UConn Linguists at DGfS

The 43rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) hosted by the University of Freiburg, is taking place virtually between February 23rd-26th and UConn linguistics will be represented at the satellite workshop on “The Semantics and Pragmatics of Conditional Connectives” with talks by:

  • Magdalena Kaufmann and John Whitman. Conditional conjunctions informed by Japanese and Korean
  • Muyi Yang. Iffy discourse: Japanese moshi in conditionals and nominal topics

      UConn Linguists at Tu+

      The Sixth Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Tu+6), hosted by the University of Toronto, will take place virtually between February 19th-20th and UConn linguistics will be represented at the workshop with talks by:

      • Robin Jenkins. Specificity Effects and Object Movement In Turkish and Uyghur
      • Beccy Lewis. Approximative Inversion in Turkish

      … and a poster presentation by:

      • Sarah Asinari and Si Kai Lee. Variable Conjunct Agreement in Qaraqalpaq

        UConn Linguists at the LSA Virtual Annual Meeting

        The 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America took place virtually between January 7th-10th and UConn linguistics was represented at the conference by:

        • Sarah Asinari. Interrogative vs. Non-Interrogative Quantifier Float in Dialectal English (poster)
        • Zheng Shen (PhD 2018, now at National University of Singapore). Coordinate Structure Constraint and Conjunction Agreement
        • Troy Messick (PhD 2017, now at Rutgers University). 3/4 agreement patterns beyond hybrid nouns

          Sign Language & Linguistics | Special Issue

          A special issue of Sign Language & Linguistics in memory of Irit Meir was recently published, guest edited by Diane Lillo-Martin, Wendy Sandler, Marie Coppola, and Rose Stamp, who also wrote the introductory article “Irit Meir”.

          The issue also contains the article “Person vs. locative agreement: Evidence from late learners and language emergence” by Lily Kwok (MA 2019), Stephanie Berk (PhD 2004), and Diane Lillo-Martin.