UConn Linguistics at SinFonIJA

The 17th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 17), is being held on 26-28 September 2024 at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. UConn linguistics will be represented at the conference by the following talks:

  • Praval Yadaav & Giulio Muramatsu. Reduplication dislikes Specificity: Restrictions in Long-Distance Agreement in Hindi-Urdu
  • Elena Guerzoni, Furkan Dikmen & Penka Stateva (PhD 2002, now at University of Nova Gorica). A novel account of Turkish singular and plural marking

… and with an invited talk by:

  • Luisa Martí (PhD 2003, now at Queen Mary University of London). Impossible determiners

UConn Linguistics at SuB

Sinn und Bedeutung 29, hosted by Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale (CUMO) in Noto, Italy, took place September 17-19, 2024. UConn linguistics was represented at the conference, with the following poster presentations:

  • Seungho NamAarón Sánchez. Expressive contexts and descriptive subjects of Spanish imperatives
  • Giulio Ciferri Muramatsu & Pravaal Yadav. PPI Disjunction and Epistemic Lists


Photo: Seungho and Giulio at SuB 29

Lewis Defense & Job

Beccy Lewis successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled Cross-linguistic variation in the function of heterogeneous plural marking and its theoretical consequences on August 30th. Since then, Beccy has already been busy with starting her new job as visiting lecturer in linguistics at UMass, Amherst.

Congratulations, Beccy!


Beccy during the defense:


Dr. Lewis with her committee after the successful defense:



UConn Linguistics at GALA

The 16th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition conference (GALA 16), was held September 12-14 at the NOVA University of Lisbon. UConn linguistics was represented at the conference with talks by:

  • Yixuan Yan. A-not-A Questions in child Mandarin: Deletion or reduplication?
  • Zixi Liu and Giulio Ciferri Muramatsu. Early mastery of the Japanese Case system: New evidence from relative clauses.

… and posters by:

  • Ting Xu (PhD 2016, now at Tsinghua University), Lyn Tieu (PhD 2013, now at University of Toronto) and Stella Christie. Children are sensitive to the presupposition of you ‘again’ in Mandarin: Evidence from two alternative methods.
  • Ayaka Sugawara, Koji Sugisaki (PhD 2003, now at Kwansei Gakuin University), Eri Tanaka, Satoshi Tomioka and Yoichi Miyamoto (PhD 1994, now at Osaka University). Japanese-speaking children’s association of “only” in ditransitive sentences.


Part of the UConn linguistics contingent at GALA:

UConn Linguistics at FEAST

The 2024 edition of the meeting of the Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory (FEAST) colloquium took place August 6-8 in Ann Arbor, MI. UConn linguistics was represented at the conference with the following talks:

… and the following poster presentations:


Photo of (from left to right): Linghui Eva Gan, Kazumi Matsuoka (PhD 1998, now at Keio University), and Diane Lillo-Martin at the FEAST:


    UConn Linguistics at the DGfS Summer School

    The DGfS Summer School on Form-Meaning Mismatches in Spoken and Visual Communication is taking place at the University of Goettingen between August 12th-August 23rd, and Željko Bošković and Magdalena Kaufmann are both teaching courses at the summer school:

    UConn Linguistics at IASCL

    The 16th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL 16) was held on July 15-19 in Prague, Czechia, and UConn Linguistics was represented at the conference with a talk by:

    • Yixuan Yan. How do children distribute? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese

    … and posters by:

    • Margaret Chui Yi Lee. Acquisition of epistemic modals in Mandarin Chinese
    • Yixuan Yan. Does impoverished morphology make conditionals late? Counter-evidence from Mandarin


      Kaufmann, Todorović & Jovović | JSL

      The paper “Obviate me (not): Obviation effects in Serbian main and complement clauses” by Magdalena Kaufmann, Neda Todorović (PhD 2016, now at Reed College), and Ivana Jovović (PhD 2023, now at Central Connecticut University) has just appeared in Vol. 31 of the Journal of Slavic Linguistics as part of the special issue of papers from the 30th conference on Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 30). The full paper can be accessed here.

      Abstract: In Serbian, complements of directive and desiderative predicates can be finite clauses headed by da. da-clauses also serve as matrix clauses conveying directives or expressing wishes. Unlike subjunctive complements in Romance, Slovenian, or Hungarian, embedded da-clauses do not show obviation effects, i.e., they allow for coreference between matrix and embedded subject. However, overt embedded pronominal subjects are banned in this case. We argue that this ban is a reflex of obviative modality in a particular complement type and disambiguation towards this type by an overt subject. The obviative construction also underlies the directive or desiderative matrix da-clauses, where obviation surfaces as a restriction on what conversational participants the subject can refer to.