Željko Bošković gave an invited talk (Nominal and non-nominal subjects: Their structural positions and adieu to the A/A’-distinction) at the Workshop on Factors in Natural Language Design (FIND) – the Nominal Domain and Beyond, which took place December 11th-12th at the University of Göttingen.
UConn linguistics at FDSL
The 16th conference on the Formal description of Slavic languages (FDSL16) took place November 29th-December 1st at the University of Graz. UConn linguistics was represented at the conference with talks by:
- Arthur Stepanov (PhD 2001, now at University of Nova Gorica). Exploring feature assignment in real time: The case of Russian numeral phrases
- Magdalena Kaufmann and Neda Todorović (2016, now at University of Connecticut & Reed College). The remote and the impossible in Serbian
- Sara Andreeta, Matic Pavlič, Penka Stateva (PhD 2002, now at University of Nova Gorica), and Artur Stepanov. Sentence comprehension in minority languages: The Slovenian Community in Italy
- Jakob Lenardič (visiting scholar Fall 2017, now at Institute of Contemporary History, Slovenia). Slavic Reflexive Impersonals: Passivisation and Unaccusativity
- Krzysztof Migdalski (post-doc 2006-2008, now at University of Wrocław). On the non-directionality of language change – a case of functional elements in Slavic
- Svitlana Antonyuk (post-doc 2018-19, now at University of Graz). A quantification-based approach to the deduction of phases in (East) Slavic
… and an invited talk by:
- Željko Bošković. Spelling-out phases (Workshop on Information Structure, Prosody and Phase Theory in Slavic)
UConn Linguistics at BUCLD
The 48th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD48) took place on 2nd-5th November 2023. UConn linguistics was represented at the conference with talks by:
- Roeland Hancock, Sahil Luthra and William Snyder. Neuroanatomical Support for the Maturational Hypothesis of Subject-Experiencer Passives
- Helen Koulidobrova (PhD 2012, now at Central Connecticut University) and Gabriel Martinez Vera (PhD 2020, now at Newcastle University). Not a matter of a degree: ASL signing children and acquisition of gradability
… and posters by:
- Deborah Chen Pichler (PhD 2001, now at Gallaudet University), Mary Cecilia Conte, Patrice Creamer, Martin Dale-Hench, Elaine Gale, Linghui Gan, Corina Goodwin, Shengyun Gu, Kaj Kraus, Chui-Yi Margaret Lee, Diane Lillo-Martin, Jeffrey Palmer, Bettie Petersen and Meghan Shaw. Profile of a Family’s Bimodal Bilingual Development
- Adina Camelia Bleotu, Andreea Nicolae, Anton Benz, Gabriela Bilbiie, Mara Panaitescu, Monica Casa and Lyn Tieu (PhD 2013, now at University of Toronto). On the role of alternatives and QUD in implicatures with disjunction in child Romanian
- Shuyan Wang (PhD 2022, now at Rutgers University). Children’s delay in scalar implicatures: Evidence for processing account
- Ting Xu (PhD 2016, now at Tsinghua University), Lyn Tieu and Stella Christie. Mandarin-acquiring children’s interpretation of presuppositional you ‘again’
Željko Bošković | Two invited talks at Peking University
Željko Bošković will give two invited talks this week at the Peking University, sponsored by Peking University Overseas Famous Scholar Lecture Plan:
The talks will be titled:
- “On Wh and Subject Positions, the EPP, and Contextuality of Syntax” (November 1st)
- “Distributed Coordinations and Wh&Wh Coordinations” (November 3rd)
Adrian Stegovec | UMass Amherst Linguistics Colloquium
Adrian Stegovec will give a colloquium talk at UMass, Amherst on October 27th, 2023. His talk will be titled “Short scrambling as smuggling: The argument from Slovenian ditransitives”. More information on the talk will be posted here.
Chuang at AMP, ALC, and WECOL
Jarry Chia-Wei Chuang will give three presentations at the following conferences in October and November:
- “Contractions are not the same: Syllable merger at the interfaces of phonology” is going to be presented as a poster at the 2023 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2023, online), October 20th-22nd.
- “Dislocation as Copying in Cyclic Linearization” is going to be given as a talk at the 17th Arizona Linguistics Circle (ALC 17), held by the University of Arizona on October 27th.
- “Distinction of Unstressed Tones in Mandarin Chinese” is going to be given as a talk at the 2023 Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2023, online), held by California State University, Fresno on November 11th-12th.
UConn linguistics at BCGL
The 16th Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL16) is took place October 5th-6th. This year’s conference is devoted to the morphosyntax of speaker and hearer. UConn will be represented at the conference by:
- Ka-Fai Yip and Xuetong Yuan. Jussive agreement with non-agreeing resumptive pronouns in Mandarin Chinese
- Vicki Carstens. Bantu Plural Addressee Suffixes and Speech Act Projections
- Duk-Ho An (PhD 2007, now at Konkuk University). Revisiting Sentence-Final Endings in Korean: Toward an (Un)markedness System
UConn Linguistics at M100
MIT’s Department of Linguistics and Philosophy hosted a conference on phonology and morphology on September 8-10th to celebrate Morris Halle’s (1923–2018) centenary. UConn Linguistics was represented at the conference by the following presentations:
- Shengyun Gu. A sketch of contrastive handshapes and their variants in Shanghai Sign Language
- Hanyu Liu. Palatalization in Polish under the framework of feature geometry
- Walter Shaw. Upward reanalyses of verbal morphology in Proto-Celtic
- Andrea Calabrese. Remarks on Halle (2018)
- Harry van der Hulst. The phonology of synthetic compounds
- Andrea Calabrese & Laura Grestenberger. Accentuation and zero grade in the Vedic Sanskrit verbal system
The conference featured posters exclusively, and everyone can take a look at our posters through this link: http://m100.mit.edu/program.html
Ahmadi at ICKL
The 6th International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics (ICKL-6) took place on September 4-5th, hosted by the Goethe University, Frankfurt. UConn was represented at the conference with a talk by:
- Sharmin Ahmadi. The Status of Prepositions in Ditransitive Structures in Ardalani Kurdish
Carstens at MaS
The 3rd Morphology as Syntax workshop is taking place on September 15-16th, hosted by Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). UConn is going to be represented at the workshop with a talk by:
- Vicki Carstens. Bantu noun class as gender: exploring a little n approach